Gerald H. Cross

Natural Resource Curricula in Vocational Education Programs Throughout Southeastern U. S. and their Potential for Wildlife Management

Programs in Agriculture (Natural) Resources designed to provide vocational education for the total agribusiness and natural resource industry are being implemented through agricultural education curricula in a number of southeastern states. Vocational training programs for occupations related to fish and wildlife management exist in 8 states and will likely spread to others. These programs, if planned and implemented properly, can benefit the fish and wildlife resource. Those in the wildlife profession must be aware of developments in their state and provide leadership and expertise for...

The Impact of the "Environmental Movement" Upon Hunting and Fishing

Data available in the four national surveys of fishing and hunting (1955, 1960, 1965, 1970) were used to identify how participation in fishing and hunting has changed during the recent environmental movement. Participation in fishing has increased in nearly all segments of the population while participation in hunting has remained the same or may have decreased slightly. Participation in small game hunting decreased while participation in big game and waterfowl hunting increased. A decrease in participation in hunting was most notable in rural areas among farmers and farm laborers. The...