G. Matlock

Effects of Freshwater Flooding on Eastern Oyster Populations in a Texas Estuary

Relative abundance of Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) was monitored before, during, and after a record flood in a Texas estuary. Salinities were reduced to <5 ppt over a large portion of the estuary for 4 months. Eastern oyster mortality was near 100%. Spat set was documented 9 months after flooding ceased and the oyster population had recovered to preflood levels 15 months later, 25 months after flooding ceased. A Ricker recruitment curve was fitted to the spawner-recruit data and explained 20.8% of the variation in number of spat.

Comparison of Texas Recreational Reef Fish and Non-reef Fish Anglers

Social and economic data comparing reef fish and non-reef fish anglers from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's routine on-site creel intercept surveys and annual statewide mail survey were summarized. Reef fish anglers differ significantly from non-reef fish anglers in that they report being more consumptive-oriented in their fishing motivations, spending less per trip and less on durable goods, and rate themselves lower in their fishing skills compared to their peers. Both user groups support catch and release areas while opposing saltwater stocking, although reef fish anglers indicate...