Douglas E. Colle

A SAS Program Summarizing Data Collected By Rotenone Sampling

A SAS program was designed to compile and summarize data collected by rotenone sampling. The program is designed to accept data in a variety of forms, providing a statistical summary of number, weight and percentage composition for all species and also a separate summary for harvestable gamefish and! or forage fish. Options are available to calculate weights for fish collected on second and third day pickups with weight-length relationships established from first day fish for either individual fish or by size groups.

Age, Growth, Condition and Food Habits of Largemouth Bass Collected from a Louisiana Coastal Freshwater Marsh

A total of 710 largemouth bass was collected from a 4047 ha coastal freshwater marsh in Southwestern Louisiana. Seven age-groups (()-VII) were present in the marsh. Annual increments were smaller for the first 3 years of life when compared to other Louisiana areas, but greater during the remainder of life. Condition factors were comparable to those obtained by other Louisiana authors. Food habits of young of-the-year bass >95 mm in length were not different from age groups I and II. Fish and adult odonates were the principal forage for bass in the summer. During the winter, stomachs of...