Doug Henley

A Preliminary Look at Age and Growth for Three Catfish Species in the Middle Ohio River

Catfish in the Ohio River have been a target of commercial fishers for years and are increasingly being sought by hook and line enthusiasts as well. Because of this growing popularity, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife began looking at age and growth of channel, blue, and flathead catfish in 2004. Capture methods included obtaining fish from sport anglers and using hoop nets, trotlines, and electrofishing. By 2007, otoliths from nearly 1,000 catfish have been examined. Of the three species of catfish present in the Ohio River, blue catfish grows the fastest followed by flathead...

The Case for Multi-jurisdictional Management of Ohio River Paddlefish

The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) population in the Ohio River Basin is an inter-jurisdictional resource shared by 8 states and managed with 3 different strategies, restoration, protection, and harvest. These contrasting management strategies evolved from a historical gradient in abundance of paddlefish from the upper to lower reaches, differential impact of anthropogenic factors, and U.S. Supreme Court settlements, which changed river ownership among lower Ohio River states. Ohio River Basin states participated in a national paddlefish study during 1995-1999 verifying movement of...