Darrell E. Louder

Some Interesting Limnological Aspects Of Fontana Reservoir

Fontana Reservoir, located in the mountains of western North Carolina, covers 10,670 surface acres at full pool elevation of 1,710 feet. The reservoir is approximately 29 miles long, has 248 miles of shoreline, a maximum depth of 440 feet, and three influent rivers, the Nantahala, Little Tennessee, and Tuckaseigee. Temperature and chemical profiles were taken monthly from June 1964 through December 1965 at five permanent sampling stations. It was concluded from the study that: (1) During the summer, the Nantahala River water flows below the warmer Little Tennessee and Tuckaseigee River...

Preliminary Investigations Of The Use Of Aqualin For Collecting Fishes

Bioassays were conducted with Aqualin, a herbicide manufactured by the Shell Chemical Company, to investigate its possibilities in collecting fishes from lotic waters as well as to determine its relativity to toxicity to five species of fishes. A narrow range of toxicity was found between the largemouth bass, b1uegill, bowfin, mosquitofish, and the fathead minnow. The 24-hour TLm (median tolerance limit) values ranged from 0.062 to 0.183 ppm at 71 º F. Bowfin were the most sensitive fish tested. Aqualin was found to be less toxic than rotenone in short exposures; however, a lethal dose of...