D. M. Yeager

Rates Of Angler Exploitation Of Largemouth, Smallmouth, And Spotted Bass In Center Hill Reservoir, Tennessee

A tag-and-reward procedure was used to estimate exploitation rates of black bass (Micropterussp.) during 1975 and 1976 in Center Hill Reservoir, Tennessee. Returns of reward tags by anglers indicated annual exploitation rates of 13.3 (22.2%) for largemouth ·(M. saltnoides), [2.9 (15.6%) for smallmouth (M. dolomieUl) and [4.8 (18.5%) for spotted bass (M. punctulatus). Within each year, exploitation rates were not significantly different between species or size groups. Rates were lower in 1976 than in [975 for all species, but the difference was significant only for largemouth bass. In [975...