Charles R. Inman

Selenium-Induced Changes in Fish Populations of a Heated Reservoir

High selenium levels and changes in abundance and size distribution of fishes were discovered after reports of fish dying in Martin Creek Reservoir, Texas. The reservoir functions as a cooling source for a coal-fueled power plant owned by Texas Utilities Generating Co. Analyses of fish muscle tissue by the Texas Department of Health showed selenium concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 9.1 mg/kg. Cove rotenone sampling by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department indicated biomass of fishes, except common carp, Cyprinus carpio, was reduced 72%. Relative biomass of trophic groups was altered...

Growth Comparisons and Catchability of Three Largemouth Bass Strains

Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salrnoides floridanus (Le Sueur), northern largemouth bass, M.s. salrnoides (Lacepede), and their F1 hybrid were stocked in a 3. 64-hectare pond, and their growth rates and catchability compared. The hybrid and Florida bass were found to achieve the best growth over a 3-yr period, apparently due to genetic influences rather than environmental factors. Differences in catchability were not observed among the three strains oflargemouth bass.