C. R. Ruth

Oral Biomarking of a Supplementally-fed Herd of Free-ranging White-tailed Deer

A field study was undertaken to: 1) determine if a large number of freeranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) could be marked with tetracycline hydrochloride (THC), and, if successful, 2) assess use of supplemental feed by deer. Shelled corn treated with THC (approximately 300 mg/0.45 kg) was distributed (18 Jul-3 Aug 1992) on a commercial hunting club in South Carolina that supplementally fed white-tailed deer. Mandibles collected from 784 hunterharvested deer (15 Aug 1992-1 Jan 1993) were evaluated for THC marks. Of those, 67.8% from the club where treated corn was deposited...