Hooking Mortality of Channel Catfish Caught by Trotline

We assessed trotline hooking mortality of channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) at Lake Palestine, Texas, from June through September 1989. Our objective was to estimate trotline hooking mortality of channel catfish using 3 hook types and identify factors relating to that mortality. Fish collected by trotline were confined for 72 hours in submerged cages. We examined relations between percent mortality and hook type, water temperature, and oxygen concentration using logistic analysis. A total of 214 channel catfish were collected by trotline; 40 (19%) were dead at the end of the 72 hour confinement period. Oxygen concentration was the only variable significantly related to mortality (P = 0.002). Our results indicate channel catfish have >80% chance of survival when caught on trotline and released, even under stressful conditions such as high water temperature, variable oxygen concentration, and confinement.

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