Slat Trap Efficiency As Affected By Design

This study contained 12 treatments consisting of 6 different trap designs; 6 were baited and 6 were not. A total of 2,770 catfish, blue (lctalurusfurcatus) and channel (l. punctatus) combined, weighing 984.9 kg was captured. Slat traps were highly selective for channel catfish. The highest individual catch was 40 kg by trap type E, a trap with 3.2 cm slat spacings on the rear portion of the sides and end. The sides around the front throats were solid. Highest total catch per trap day was in trap type F (2.5 cm spacing, closed sides around throats). Type F yielded 1.7 kg of channel catfish and 0.7 kg blue catfish per trap day. No statistical difference for total weight harvested was found when the 2 trap types B and E were compared to trap types C and F (P > .05). A highly significant difference existed between the catch of these traps for both species ofcatfish combined that were ofa commercial size (P < .0 I). Trap type B had 3.2 cm slat spacings and types C and F each had 2.5 cm spacings. Type F, like type E, had solid sides around the front throats.

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