Breeding Habitat Of The Bobwhite In Texas

Habitat types and structural features of the habitat were correlated with bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) whistle counts along 133 random transects in Texas. The probable biological significance of these parameters was ascertained by their interrelationships and from the literature. Bobwhite whistle counts were correlated with habitat types that provided adequate food, cover, nest sites, and song posts. If a habitat parameter provided one or more of these requisites and was limited or in excess, it was usually significantly correlated with bobwhite whistle counts. Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) habitats were important nesting sites for bobwhite within 7 of 9 ecological areas in which they occurred. Habitat parameters correlated with bobwhite densities differed between eco· logical areas and therefoI'e, bobwhite breeding habitat should be managed by ecological area.

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