Regional R3 Coordinator Position Approved and Posted

SEAFWA, CAHSS, and RBFF Collaborate on New Position

The directors of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) recently voted at their annual spring meeting for member states to collectively partner with the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (CAHSS) and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) to co-fund a southeastern Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation (R3) Coordinator position.  “We all know having a dedicated person to help us with planning, proposals, partnerships, coordination, evaluations, and communication will greatly enhance our capacity as a region to advance R3 efforts,” said Brian Clark, Co-Vice Chair of SEAFWA’s R3 technical committee and Deputy Commissioner with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.  SEAFWA joins the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (MAFWA) in having a dedicated regional R3 professional to serve the region’s interests. 

The ultimate objective of the position is to measurably increase participation in hunting, recreational shooting, fishing, and boating in the region.  The primary role of the position is to coordinate regional-level R3 efforts through increased collaboration between applicable agencies and partners across the region’s 15 states and two territories.  The position will be an initial 3-year contract, serving as a full-time employee with the CAHSS. All position responsibilities will be determined and approved by the SEAFWA Executive Director and SEAFWA R3 Committee chair(s)/vice chair(s), with support from CAHSS and RBFF.

The starting date is July 1, 2023. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume via email to Ross Melinchuk, SEAFWA Executive Director, at The deadline for receipt of applications is 5:00 pm EDT on June 9, 2023. For more information, please see the SEAFWA website.