Larry McNease

Duck Usage of Management Units in the Louisiana Coastal Marsh

Ducks were inventoried monthly over a 2-year period in order to compare usage of management units in the Louisiana coastal marshes. Areas inventoried were brackish and fresh water impoundments, which were managed for ducks. and marsh pump-out units, managed for beef cattle. In addition, natural marshes nearby were sampled as a control. Water depth readings were taken monthly and vegetation was sampled annually to provide information on factors affecting duck usage. Greatest duck usage was in the fresh water impoundments. but usage of the brackish impoundments was very similar to that of...

A Study of Immature Alligators on Rockefeller Refuge, Louisiana

A telemetric study was conducted on immature alligators (Alligator mississipiensis) on Rockefeller Refuge from 27 March, 1973 through SMarch, 1974. Thirty alligators, 17 females and 13 males. were captured, tagged. marked for identification, and outfitted with color-eoded neck-collar radio transmitters. Adirectional receiving unit was used to follow their daily movement. The size of the animals ranged from 3'6-1/4" to 5'10-3/4". Minimum home range sizes, daily activity patterns, and habitat preferences were determined for the alligators under investigation. Readings taken during the winter...