Implementing Shorebird Conservation on Public Lands

Working toward fulfilling regional habitat objectives for migratory shorebirds, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) constructed moist soil units on three Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) to specifically be managed for stopover habitat. Units either were converted from agriculture land and fitted with water pumps or constructed at the base of a hill to collect rainwater. The most commonly observed shorebirds using these sites and other available habitat on the WMAs were killdeer (), pectoral sandpiper (Calidris melanotos), and lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). Managing for shallow water habitat on public lands, particularly during fall migration and/or drought years, is key to ensuring that priority shorebirds arrive on the wintering or breeding grounds in good condition. Recommendations include considerations of spatial placement and topography of shorebird units, control of vegetation, and monitoring protocols. Key words: Kentucky, shorebird, stopover habitat, moist-soil unit, managed land

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