Herpetofauna of Pitcher Plant Bogs and Adjacent Forests in Eastern Texas

Species composition and relative abundance of amphibians and reptiles were examined in 5 pitcher plant bogs and adjacent forests in eastern Texas. The herpetofaunal communities of the bogs and forests were compared and changes throughout a year were traced. Amphibians and reptiles were censused using drift fence arrays with funnel traps and 15-minute time-area searches. In the bogs, 407 individuals of 28 species were recorded; 468 individuals of 28 species were counted in the forests. More amphibian species and individuals were found in bogs (P < 0.050), and more reptile individuals (P < 0.050) were recorded in forests. Two amphibian and 5 reptile species comprised 87.1% of all individuals. The ground skink (Scincella lateralis) was the dominant species, representing 46.3% of all individuals. Ground skinks and six-lined raceranners (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus) preferred the forests (P < 0.050), coal skinks (Eumeces anthracinus) preferred the bogs (P < 0.050), and green anoles (Anolis carolinensis), dwarf salamanders (Eurycea quadridigitata), eastern narrowmouth toads {Gastrophryne carolinensis), and fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) showed no significant preferences.

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