In response to new state mandates and increasing concerns regarding the risks and seriousness of exposure to the AIDS and Hepatitis B viruses, the Law Enforcement Division of Texas Parks and Wildlife drafted an AIDS/Hepatitis B policy and instituted an ongoing training program. The training program is designed specifically for game wardens and equips them with the knowledge, skills, and equipment to respond to this growing concern. The goals of the program are to (1) increase awareness about AIDS and Hepatitis B transmission, (2) lay out exposure prevention strategies for occupational and personal lifestyles, (3) and address legal issues unique to the law enforcement profession. Agencies involved in law enforcement should begin providing education and training based on sound current medical findings. In addition, provision of protective equipment for their officers and development of policies to address issues of occupational exposure prevention and procedures are both critical to insuring the safety of officers who may be exposed to these viruses.