Immobilization of Captive White-tailed Deer with Mixtures of Telazol and Rompun

We evaluated mixtures of Telazol and Rompun for immobilizing captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Three doses of Telazol and Rompun were used to immobilize adult male deer (N = 32), and 5 doses were used to immobilize yearling deer (N = 78). Mixtures of these agents immobilized deer quicker and with deeper sedation than previously experienced using Rompun alone. There were no differences in immobilization or recovery periods between doses of 250:150 mg versus 167:200 mg Telazol:Rompun in adult males. There were no differences in immobilization or recovery periods between doses of 100:100 mg versus 167:100 mg Telazol: Rompun in yearling deer, but effective immobilization took longer than with a dose of 100:200 mg.

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