Quail Food Plot Evaluation on Regenerated Pine Stands, Sandhills Region

Food plots for quail (Colinus virginianus) were established on 2 regenerated pine plantations in the Sandhills Region of South Carolina during 1976 and 1977. Bicolor (Lespedeza bicolor), Japonica (L. japonica), Thunberg (L. thunbergii), Kobe (L. striata), Korean (L. stipulaceae) lespedezas, and a reseeding variety of soybean (Glycine max) were evaluated along with various planting methods. The planting methods included combinations of broadcast seeding, dibbling seedlings, disking, inoculating seeds, covering seeds, and fertilizing. All plant materials tested were successfully established in persistent food plots except for reseeding soybean which failed to reestablish itself. A legume mixture of an annual and perenniallespedeza was recommended so that seed would be available to quail throughout the 5 to 7 years that newly regenerated pine stands could successfully support hunting. All planting techniques were successful in establishing food plots of the planted materials. Therefore, broadcasting seed without additional treatment was recommended since it required the least cost.

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