Use Of The Pellet Count Technique For Determining Densities Of Deer In The Southern Appalachians

Pellet counts were conducted to estimate population densities of white-tailerl deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on 3 areas in the southern Appalachian Mountains of east Tennessee: (1) the Department of Energy's Oak Rirlge Reservation (2) Chuck Swan Wildlife Management Area, and (3) Carles Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A different sampling interval was userl on each area: 3 months, 2 month, and 3 weeks, respectively. Density estimates deriverl from pellet counts were comparerl to those deriverl from 2 mark-recapture techniques anrl 1 line transect technique on the Reservation; 1 mark-recapture and 1 line transect technique at Chuck Swan; and 2 plot sampling techniques at Cades Cove. The results inrlicaterl that the use of a 3-week to I-month sampling interval for pellet counts appearerl to he appropriate in the southern Appalachians.

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