Scent-Stations As Indices Of Abundance In Some Furbearers Of Alabama

A cursory evaluation of scent-station techniques was made in 6 physiographic regions of Alabama between January and April 1979 and between October 1979 and April 1980. In addition, predator calling was conducted at 30 stations in each of these 6 regions between November 1979 and March 1980. Synthetic fatty acid scent (FAS) was used as an attractant the first year, whereas FAS, red fox urine, bobcat urine, and a 1: 1 mixture of red fox and bobcat urine was used in systematic rotation the second year. Animal visitation was converted to indices of relative abundance for each species, and comparisons were made between years, amd among physiographic regions and attractants. Indices of free-ranging dog abundance were similar between years, among physiographic regions, and attractants. Bobcats responded more frequently to predator calling than to scentstations containing various scents. Their response to scent-stations treated with bobcat urine was significantly greater than responses to stations with other attractants. Dog, housecat, and opossum responses to predator calling were negligable. Predator calling was as effective as various scents in eliciting responses from red and gray foxes. Winter scent-stations on upland sites are believed ineffective for obtaining indices of abundance in raccoons.

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