Population Dynamics Of Breeding Woodcock In The Canaan Valley, West Virginia

Data collected from woodcock banded in Canaan Valley, West Virginia from 1964 to 1970 were analyzed to determine population dynamics of resident (breeding) woodcock. lmmatures comprised over 60% ofthe banded sample, with immature males comprising 42% (P<0.05). Immatures appeared more susceptible to capture. Overall sex ratio for the banded sample revealed more males than females, but more females were found in the adult class. Greater survival of immature females causes ratios favoring females in the adult class. Additionally, adult females have a higher survival rate than adult males. Exceptionally high recovery rates were attributed to concentrated hunting pressure and band collecting. Immatures were 1.7 times more susceptible to gunning than adults. High variances and confidence limits were computed for population and survival estimates, which suggested great variation in collection of data. Survival and recovery estimates between age classes of each sex did not differ (P>O.05). Analysis of pooled data for each sex indicated that female recovery rates varied from year to year, but survival rates remained constant over time. Because of extremely small sample sizes and variation of these data, caution should be used in interpreting these results.

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