A Comparison Of Hunting Satisfaction Of Virginia Wildlife And Colorado Outdoors Hunter-Subscrjbers

Two identical hunting satisfaction questionnaires were published in Virginia Wildlife (VW) and Colorado Outdoors (CO), both state wildlife agency conservation magazines. State resident hunter-subscribers responded to each of II dimensions of hunting satisfaction (identified by Potter et al. 1973) on a 5-point Likert-type category rating scale. The means of responses of VW and CO hunter-subscribers on each dimension of hunting satisfaction were compared statistically using 2-tailed t-tests. The means of responses of the 2 hunter-subscriber samples differed significantly (P <0.05) on the dimensions of nature, escapism, shooting, harvest, equipment, outgroup verbal contact, and outgroup visual contact. Although the means of responses of the 2 samples differed significantly on 7 of the II dimensions of hunting satisfaction, a comparison of the rank ordering of the means of responses on dimensions for the 2 samples evidenced a relationship of high magnitude (Spearman's rho ~ 0.95, P < 0.001).

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