Cost/benefits From the Rotenone Renovation of a 485-Hectare Texas Reservoir

To determine the effects of a large-scale rotenone renovation on a fish community and sport fishery, a 5-yr study was conducted on Sheldon Reservoir, a 485-ha Texas reservoir with small sport fish populations and poor fishing. The lake level was lowered and the remaining water treated with liquid rotenone. Gill nets, seines and a creel survey were used before and after treatment to evaluate this renovation. The relative abundance of sport fish populations increased from 17.54% (by weight) before treatment to a high of 46.27% after the renovation and restocking. Although high populations of sport fishes were maintained, turbid water conditions adversely affected fishing pressure and success, and prohibited accurate long-range evaluation of the effects of this treatment on the fishery. Cumulative cost/benefit ratios for the first 3 yr after renovation were 1:1.63, 1:1.20 and 1:0.93 consecutively.

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