Hunting Popularity: A Case Study in an Organizational Setting

Only by isolating similarities and differences between those who strongly oppose or favor hunting can programs be developed to increase understanding about hunting as a wildlife management tool. The extremities of the continuum were studied because this is where a clearer understanding ofdemographic, adolescent experience, and attitudinal type variables can be obtained. It was found that sex, occupation, nature of the community during youth, occupation of father, and meaning of hunting lands were the important variables in determining differences. There was also a great degree of similarity between groups, that is, both groups tended to be residents; married; 36 years of age or older; have high cognitive, affective, and expectations scores toward public forested land and Game Lands 176; have positive meaning scores toward public forested land; have a self-actualization need for the land; select recreational alternatives on the basis on consequence; and their recreational behavior was between 0 to 25 percent learned. There were far more similarities than differences between these groups. The primary implication is that educational programs are needed to bond and overcome minor differences between these groups so a unified effort can be put forth by those individuals who are concerned about habitat and wildlife. Only through a concerted effort can their interest he adequately represented in the political arena.

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