Culture of Rainbow Trout in Combination with Over-Wintering Channel Catfish in Mississippi

The feasibility of raising rainbow trout with Dver·wintering channel catfish in 0.04 ha (0.1 acre) ponds was examined. Three treatments with three replications were used; (1) 200 rainbow trout fed three percent offish weight per day, (2) 100rainbow trout and 75 charmel catfish fed three percent of trout weight per day, (3) 100 rainbow trout and 75 channel catfish not fed. Trout grown alone showed slightly higher gains than those grown with catfish and receiving feed. and were statistically significant (P<.05). Both trout and catfish not fed showed statistically significantly less gain than those receiving feed and the trout significantly lower survival than trout receiving feed. Catfish receiving feed showed a mean gain of 117 g. Trout receiving feed demonstrated a mean gain of 217 g. in the 131 days of the study.

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