A Circular Plot Method of Censusing Post-Breeding Bird Populatlons

A circular plot method of censusing non-game birds on southern Appalachian forest recreation Forest recreation areas was devised and tested, Plot boundaries were defined with a range finder. Accuracy of the method was affected by the variability inherent in wild bird populations, rain and wind, dense vegetation, and complexity of the late summer period, Data are presented indicating significant differences in evening and morning bird activity and a significant within-season decline in late summer bird population estimates. The census method used was judged satisfactory for a post-breeding bird census. An exploratory study, designed to furnish data on the late summer habitat of non-game birds in the region of the southern Appalachian mountains, was conducted in 1969 (Fowler, 1970). Since no suitable techniques for censusing late summer birds were available, it was necessary to devise a procedure for use in campgrounds of 5 to 9 acres. This paper presents the census method devised to meet the study requirements.

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