Food Habits Of Young Striped Bass Roccus Saxa Tills (Walbaum), In Culture Ponds

Food of striped bass 10 mm. to 110 mm. standard length cultured at the State Fish Hatchery, Durant, Oklahoma was determined during the summer of 1967. Diet of fish in the 10 mm. to 30 mm. class consisted mainly of copepods, supplemented by cladocera and insects. After reaching 30 mm., bass utilized fewer copepods but more cladocera and more insects. Insects and c1adocera then formed the majority of the diet in fish from 60mm. to 100mm. Over two-thirds of the volume of planktonic crustacea eaten were Diaphanosoma sp. Other important crustacea were Diaptomus sp. and Daphnia sp. Fish did not enter the diet until bass reached 69mm. standard length and fish were not important in the diet until bass were over 90mm. No monthly variations in feeding habits were detected. The culicid, Chaoborus sp. was also a significant food item of the smallest length class examined.

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