The Results of a Five-Year Fish Management Experiment in a Small Limestone Quarry in Kentucky

Small limestone quarries may be found in many parts of the nation. In the Blue Grass Region of Kentucky these quarries frequently fill with water when abandoned. An effort was made to manage one such onefourth acre pond for fishing. The pond was poisoned in 1958, and then stocked with largemouth bass and bluegill bream the spring of 1959. For the next five growing seasons a heavy plankton bloom was maintained with commercial fertilizer. Hook and line fishing began in the spring of 1960 and continued through four growing seasons. For the first three years the bluegill fishing was excellent, the catch in pounds being; 128, 121, and 75 respectively. This would be equivalent to ~atches of 300 to 500 pounds per acre. The bluegill catch dropped to 28 pounds the last year because of imbalance. Too many largemouth had been removed the year before. The largemouth grew rather slowly, and no fish weighing more than 1 pound was caught until the last year. Not only was imbalance indicated by poor fishing the last year, but also by plankton and bottom organism composition.

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