An Interim Report on the Use of Hormones to Ovulate Striped Bass (Roccus Saxatilis)

A total of 429 female striped bass were treated with hormones during the spring spawning seasons of 1962 and 1963. Of this number, 118 (26.6%) were induced to ovulate while held captive. One hundred of the ovulated :fish were treated with chorionic gonadotropin while used alone or in combination with other preparations. Eighteen of the ovulated fish were treated with follicle stimulating hormone while used alone or in combination with preparations other than chorionic gonadotropin. Fry production amounted to 2.6 million in 1962 and 13.8 million in 1963. All of the fry were stocked in the major reservoirs of South Carolina except the Santee-Cooper Reservoir.

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