Summary: The Public’s Perceived Importance and View of State Fish and Wildlife Agencies

To effectively manage fish and wildlife resources, state agencies must understand the perceptions of all stakeholders and not just those who buy a license. In October 2023, on behalf of 12 states within the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA), a survey was fielded to recreational license holders and to a general population panel inquiring about several major topics, including: How relevant their state fish and wildlife agency is to them, how important are the various responsibilities handled by their state fish and wildlife agency, how well the agency was doing fulfilling these tasks and how the agency should be funded, and more. These results reflect the opinions and perceptions of the survey respondents, which may or may not accurately reflect state agencies’ actual responsibilities, accomplishments, and needs. However, the public’s perceptions of state agencies is their – and the state agencies’ - reality. To the extent that the two viewpoints do not agree, a need for increased engagement and communication exists. The goal of this project is to help state fish and wildlife agencies better understand how to engage and interact with the public.